Bald Eagles of Alaska Workshop

November  2025

A true bucket list photography adventure for those interested in learning about and photographing Bald Eagles! I will again be offering my sellout 7 night/8 day workshop in Haines, Alaska. Haines offers the most productive Bald Eagle shooting in the world, and I will put you and your camera in front of thousands of eagles. During our week together, you will have the chance to learn and grow artistically as we shoot and critique photos daily.

This small group trip of no more than 6 participants means you have a front row seat to all the action, as well as lots of personal instruction. Each night after busy day of shooting we will have an image review session and lecture on camera technique and eagle behavior in our private meeting room. In our small group everyone will get a chance to ask questions and improve their photography both in the field and during our evening sessions so you can come home with better images.

While other tour operators may offer slightly lower prices, there is a big difference in the quality of their often shorter length trips and larger groups where clients get less feedback from the instructor. Often these lower priced trips forgo the evening image review sessions entirely, choosing to end the day after dinner. There is also a big difference between a workshop leader who is there to shoot their own photos and one who is there to teach their clients. We have all watched workshop leaders ignore their clients or even step in front of them in order to "get the shot," My goal as a workshop leader is you getting "the shot." My shooting comes second to the needs of my clients.

This location is so good that I regularly sell Haines eagle images to National Geographic for their Eagle calendars. The only problem for you will be choosing which shots you like best from the thousands of up close and personal images you make during the trip. Typically, participants fly into/out of Juneau and then take the ferry or a puddle jumper flight to Haines to meet the group.

The cost of the trip includes seven nights hotel (all single rooms with kitchenettes), all ground transportation in Haines, and all photo guiding/image reviews. (Meals are not included, but we do often eat dinner as a group.) Due to its small size, this trip tends to sell out, so email me directly if you want more information.